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free soul Buchungsanfrage

Free WiFi
Capacity 12
Floor EG
Please select a booking option

5 services

Mo.-Fr. (Vor-/Nachmittags)
From one hour to 5 hours
ab 25€ /h
Mo.-Fr. (Abends ab 17.30 Uhr)
From 1.5 hours to 5 hours
ab 35€ /h
Wochenende (Halbtags)
4 hours ab 190 €
Wochenende (Ganztags)
14 hours €300.00
Ganzes Wochenende (Sa + So)
2 days €490.00

2 services

Mo.-Fr. (Vor-/Nachmittags)
From one hour to 5 hours
ab 25€ /h
Mo.-Fr. (Abends ab 17.30 Uhr)
From 1.5 hours to 5 hours
ab 35€ /h

2 services

Fotoshooting / Videodreh (kleines Paket)
2.5 hours €110.00
Fotoshooting/ Videodreh großes Paket
4 hours €190.00