The check-in is one of the centerpieces of our booking system. It is at this point and at the time of booking that the booker meets the provider. The less complicated and smoother the scanning, validation and check-in process, the higher the customer satisfaction. In this post, we'll introduce you to tips and tricks that will improve your check-in skills. Plus, what recent updates are helping to make the process smoother?
Let's start at the very beginning. Already in your booking settings there is a function that can regulate the rush of visitors - and thus also relieve the check-in. This function is called:
Allowed bookings per start time (NEW)
The function "Allowed bookings per start time" can be found under Resource > Settings > Availability. There you can limit how many new bookings can be made for the same start time. This limit is completely independent of your capacity and only causes a staggering of the entry. Important: This function is useful if you work with flexible duration (service settings).
Example: A swimming pool currently has a capacity of 350 visitors per day and would like to offer them the booking of flexible swimming times. However, 350 people should not queue up at the same time. To avoid rushes and facilitate admission, the swimming pool sets the permitted bookings per start time at 100 and can start the day relaxed. The same principle applies, for example, to universities and the rush to their libraries.
Allowed check-in before / after the start of booking
Another function that regulates the check-in is the check-in period: Resource > Check-In > Check-In Period > Allowed Check-In Before or After Booking Start. With this you define in which period the visitors should appear.
Note: The automatic expiration of bookings is independent of the check-in period. You can specify a separate expiration period.

Now let's look specifically at the activity of checking in. At which points and in what way can you check in at anny\?

Check-in area via hand scanner or camera
Generally, the designated area at anny is a good place to check in. There you can scan the QR code tickets with a hand scanner or camera, track the rough booking details and check in the person.
How do I check in someone without a ticket?
Alternatively, you can use the search in the check-in area (small magnifying glass at the top right) and search for and check in the person's booking even without a QR code ticket.
Third variant: Manually via the booking details
There is also an option to check in in the booking details. This variant is useful if the booking had to be changed manually beforehand or was freshly created on site.

You have multiple resources and multiple inputs?
In this case the following function will help you: Via the Scan Settings (Check-In Area > Gear > Allowed Resources) you can define which resources you are currently allowed to check in with your scanner and which you want to check in. This can be limited to one resource or several.
Example: Your swimming pool also has a sauna area. However, not all visitors have access to this area, but only those with an additional sauna ticket. At the entrance to the sauna area, you set your scan settings so that you only validate sauna tickets there.

Multiple Check-In (NEW)
Suppose your visitors are allowed to leave and re-enter your pool during their booked swimming time. To allow a new check-in of the tickets, allow multiple check-ins (Resource > Check-In > Allow multiple check-ins).
Important: For a second check-in it is necessary to check-out when leaving the premises! Otherwise, when re-entering, it will be reported that the ticket is already checked in and used.
Release capacity after check-out
Your visitors had a great time but didn't fully use their booked 5 hours? Allow the unused capacity to be released again after check-out. This will update the end time of the booking with the check-out and allow other visitors to book in that time slot again.
Note: This function is also only useful if you work with flexible time slots and not with fixed time blocks.