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How universities and colleges can take full advantage of anny

June 8, 2021
Student in universities and colleges using anny to its full extent
Anna-Carina Jodlauk - CMO & Co-Founder, anny GmbH - Blog anny
Anna-Carina Jodlauk
CMO & Co-Founder, anny GmbH
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Last year, many universities and colleges became aware of our booking system because they were looking for a way to open their reading rooms in a Corona-compliant way. A professional booking tool like anny helps with data entry, capacity compliance and automatic seat allocation. But there are so many more application areas! In this article, we show six more benefits of anny for universities and colleges.

1. university sports

Especially in view of the summer, students are already looking forward to using the many outdoor sports fields of their university sports center. Sports courses can be implemented online and soon also in presence. With anny, availability across the entire range of courses can be booked online.

Anhalt University of Applied Sciences is setting a good example. You can even book semester tickets for the university's own gym via its anny booking page.

2. (Digital) office hours and consultations

It has been shown that video calls often lead quickly to the goal. Professors and staff score points by offering digital office hours. With the native zoom integration of anny, the meeting is arranged quickly and without a lot of email ping-pong. The AStA of universities also often does a lot of consulting work. Their services can be posted at anny.

Consultation hours can be kept open or consultations on specific topics can be offered. Dortmund UAS, for example, offers digital Citavi training via its anny booking page.

3. corona test station on the university campus

We are all eagerly anticipating an upcoming semester of attendance. Even as the nationwide vaccination campaign moves forward, testing students and staff at attendance events will be useful and safer until universal vaccination is achieved.

ESCP Berlin has set up its own Corona testing site. Appointments can be booked via their anny booking page. Via anny even tamper-proof test certificates can be sent to those tested.

4. study, laboratory and seminar rooms

How does room allocation work at your college or university at the moment? Still in Excel or even on paper? Make the booking of rooms digital and transparent! Learning, lab and seminar rooms can be booked much more efficiently this way. Allow combination bookings so that an expert briefing or additional equipment can be booked for a lab.

As a college or university, you can decide which group of people (students or employees) may use which rooms. Large event rooms can also be rented to external parties. anny takes care of the payment processing and creates automatic invoices.

Esslingen University of Applied Sciences shows how a variety of rooms can be set up at anny.

5. rental of equipment and devices

With the label function, the rental of devices and equipment is even easier. At check-in, a label is created which can be printed with standard label printers and given with the rented object. In this way, an object associated with the booking can be tracked.

Universities and colleges can thus maintain their practical relevance by allowing students to borrow film equipment for projects, for example. University sports departments can also lend out sports equipment such as tennis rackets or basketballs.

Emden-Leer University of Applied Sciences has already put laptop rentals online on its anny booking page, meeting the need of students during the digital semester.

6. crowds in libraries during the examination period.

Last but not least, we return to the use of anny in libraries and reading rooms. In discussions with our customers, it became apparent that there is an increased rush at the study stations, especially during the exam period. With an area that can be booked permanently in advance, frustration is countered. The booking student can be sure of his or her place.

This is especially important in view of the fact that crowds (like the queue in front of the library) should still be avoided. With the new function "Allowed bookings per start time", access is staggered without affecting the set capacity.

As you can see, the fields of application at universities and colleges are diverse. anny also offers the option of single sign-on (SSO), which allows students and employees to make bookings across applications with one log in - their university login.
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