The age of digitalization is changing our working world decisively for the better. Location-independent and flexible working is now easily possible in many professions thanks to the mobile Internet, modern conferencing technologies and new technological developments. Hybrid work between office and home office is already part of everyday life for many. There is no getting around the term "coworking" or "coworking space" when discussing the topic of new work. But what exactly is coworking and for whom does it make sense?
In this blog post, we'll define coworking, discuss who it's suitable for, and describe how the movement has evolved over time. You'll also learn who coworking is for and what the typical costs are.
What is coworking?
Coworking can be loosely translated as "working together". The first offices of this kind emerged in Silicon Valley at the beginning of the 00s and describe a flexible workplace shared by several people. But unlike a business center, coworking is also a social gathering place. Large office spaces, entire floors or former factory halls become meeting places for employees, not just of a single company, but of completely different people who are all looking for a place to work outside their own four walls or the company office.
However, to describe coworking only in terms of how it works would be too one-sided.
Another special feature of this model is the shorter rental contracts and the all-inclusive or full-service character for the tenants. In the Spaces, tenants can expect not only a fully equipped workplace, but also amenities such as coffee or water flat rates. In addition, it is common for a full-time community management force to be available to coworking space visitors. This allows coworkers to fully concentrate on their core business.
Nevertheless, coworking spaces are as individual as their users. As an organizer, it is therefore worthwhile to compare which community you want to address in order to be able to offer the right space with the right services. For example, there are coworking spaces that have specialized in the needs of parents or that are particularly adapted to creative professions. Special coworking spaces for startups are known as incubators. They offer support for start-ups and founders in the form of mentoring, special networking events and other support in the early phase.
Furthermore, coworking spaces have become an instrument for sustainable development of the region, especially in rural areas. They make an important contribution to preventing rural exodus, urbanization and migration by combining the problems of vacancy management and inner development with modern architecture and sustainable construction methods. The potential that even a profaned church has, for example, is demonstrated by the DigitalHUB Aachen.
Who are coworking spaces suitable for?
Coworking spaces are suitable for people of all ages, regardless of their career or experience background. The diversity of industries in coworking spaces, such as marketing, design, IT, programming, copywriting and PR, creates a dynamic environment where different perspectives can meet and learn from each other. That's why no clear target group of coworking spaces can be determined.
In addition to freelancers, smaller startups, digital nomads, self-employed people, consultants and founders, there are also more and more employees of established companies who use the coworking space as a place to work on specific projects. The team can thus deal intensively with new and creative approaches, as well as benefit from the exchange in the space.

What are the advantages of coworking?
Coworking offers a variety of benefits that make it an attractive option for job seekers. One of the biggest benefits is the time flexibility of the workstations and meeting rooms. Unlike traditional offices, there are no long notice periods or fixed leases for coworking spaces. This allows visitors to use the space as needed, whether by the hour, day, week or month.
Especially for freelancers, coworking offers the advantage of a fixed business address. This gives them a professional image and increases their credibility with potential customers. In addition, start-ups in particular use coworking spaces because of their cost efficiency. Instead of signing expensive leases for their own offices, they can use flexible workspaces and thus minimize their expenses.
Another advantage of coworking is the ability to flexibly adjust team size. Startups and companies can increase or decrease the size of their teams as needed without having to commit to specific premises in the long term. This enables agile and cost-efficient business development.
Furthermore, the use of coworking spaces enables an economical use of resources. The infrastructure for working, such as furniture, printers, Internet connection and common areas, is already available and does not have to be provided individually. This eliminates high initial investments and ongoing costs for the maintenance and upkeep of office equipment. But the coworking space can also contribute to sustainability for commuters. Especially in more rural areas, they can save traveling to the company office and still achieve a separation between home office and workplace.
But if you're wondering whether you have to forego privacy in a coworking space, you've been given the all-clear. More and more coworking spaces now also offer private offices.

Networking in the coworking space
In addition to the infrastructure, a coworking space offers the opportunity for knowledge exchange and collaboration within the community. This allows coworkers to expand and strengthen their network. In addition, events in the space such as networking events, workshops or get-togethers offer the chance to exchange ideas with experts from all the sectors represented and thus not only to expand one's own knowledge, but also to find potential cooperation partners. Networking in the coworking space can accordingly lead to new business opportunities and orders.
In addition, the shared spaces in coworking spaces strengthen the sense of community. The opportunity to exchange ideas with like-minded people and work together promotes cohesion and provides a supportive environment for personal and professional development. This diverse exchange of different perspectives and expertise can be essential in problem solving or idea generation. Overall, coworking provides a flexible, cost-effective, and connected work environment that meets the needs of a diverse workforce.
To support and network the coworking industry in Germany, there is the Bundesverband Coworking Spaces Deutschland (BVCS). The BVCS has the mission to connect coworking spaces, companies, entrepreneurs as well as municipalities, public agencies and science. The association offers consulting and training programs specifically tailored to the needs of the coworking industry. In cooperation with experienced coworking space operators and companies, BVCS organizes various events to share knowledge and drive the development of the industry.
What does it cost to run a coworking space?
The cost of running a coworking space can vary depending on the location, size, amenities and services offered. Here are some fixed costs that may be incurred when operating a coworking space:
- Rent: Rental costs are usually one of the largest items. They depend on the size of the space, location and demand in the area. However, these can also be mitigated by permanent renters. The Aachen Technology Center uses this multi-tenant approach to exploit the full potential from the several thousand square meters of coworking.
- Operating costs: These include electricity, water, heating, air conditioning, cleaning and maintenance. These costs depend on the size of the space and the number of tenants.
- Furniture and equipment: A coworking space requires desks, chairs, meeting and conference rooms, kitchen equipment, Wi-Fi infrastructure, printers, scanners and other office equipment. The costs for this can vary depending on the quality, furnishing style and number of furnishings required.
- Maintenance and repairs: Costs may be incurred for repairs to furniture, equipment and the infrastructure of the Space. Regular maintenance should also be factored in.
- Staff: If you employ staff, you must take into account their salaries and social security contributions. This includes receptionists, cleaners, technicians and possibly a community manager.
- Marketing and advertising: To promote the coworking space and attract new members, expenses may be incurred for marketing and advertising efforts such as online advertising, print materials, and events.
- Insurances: To cover risk, insurance such as liability insurance and contents insurance are important. Costs vary depending on location and insurance policy.
- Community services: To provide added value to the renters, additional services such as coffee and tea, snacks, events, or workshops may be offered. The cost of such community services may vary depending on how extensive they are.
It is important to note that the exact costs will depend heavily on individual circumstances and that this list is not exhaustive. Before opening a coworking space, you should perform a detailed cost calculation and consider the specific requirements for your location and business model.
In general, visitors to a coworking space in the city pay more than those in the countryside or suburbs. A coworking space in Munich is nevertheless more expensive on average than one in Cologne - and it also depends on whether you offer fixed or flex desks.
Fix Desk vs. Flex Desk
Where the coworker sits in the space depends, among other things, on whether a fix desk or a flex desk has been booked. If a fix desk is booked, the coworker has his or her own desk, which is usually equipped with a lockable container. Otherwise, cabinets are available for use on a pro-rata basis. Unlike the Flex Desk, the Fix Desk is assigned to a single person and is accordingly kept free for that person. These Fix Desks are often located in their own space or a quieter space. The tenants of a Fix Desk are no longer bound to the opening hours of the Space and can freely decide when they want to work there. Accordingly, it is recommended that a coworking space offering this rental option also consider locking systems. Digital locking systems simplify access control, lead to significant time savings and ensure smooth operations in your space. The digital access solution you choose should meet the specific needs of your coworking space. Fix Desks are more expensive than Flex Desks and therefore often linked to a subscription.
When booking a flex desk, the visitor is not entitled to a specific desk. The available desks are freely divided among the coworkers. This means that the seating constellation changes every day, which provides a good basis for networking within the space. With the flexible variant, however, it can happen that all the desks for the current day are already taken and the coworkers have to switch to another work location. If the coworking space uses a booking software such as anny, you have the opportunity to check whether there are enough free desks before you arrive or, in the best case, to book digitally in advance for the entire week.
Rental concepts of a coworking space
Coworking spaces offer a variety of rental concepts to meet the different needs of users. One of the most popular concepts is the flexible membership or "pay-as-you-go" model. Here, users can rent their workstations or meeting rooms on an hourly, daily or monthly basis and only pay for the time actually used.
Another common rental concept is the fixed membership. With this option, visitors can rent a fixed workspace in a coworking space. They have their own desk and can personalize it. This concept is particularly well suited for people who need a workspace on a regular basis and value continuity and stability.
In fact, a coworking space can also mean financial savings, especially for freelancers and startups, because up to a certain number of employees, a space is cheaper than having your own office. If the number of employees increases, it is financially worthwhile to move into your own office, but then you lose the support and maintenance of the workplace, as well as the networking opportunity. This can also limit the flexibility in work design.
However, in order to build a sustainable coworking space, you should think about a clear cost structure and create a conscientious business plan that you can follow at any time.
How do I open a coworking space?
The desire for flexible ways and places of working is constantly growing. Therefore, opening a coworking space offers the opportunity to meet the growing demand for flexible workspaces and create an inspiring and interesting work environment for different professional groups. However, before opening a coworking space, you should consider some basic steps that are essential for the success of your future coworking space. These include answering the following questions:
- Which location is right for my coworking space?
- Who is my target audience and how can I adapt my Space to their needs?
- How do I create a community within my Space?
- Which membership models do I want to offer and at what price?
- How do I manage my Space and optimize its operation?
- Which software solution can support me in this?
In order to support you in the best possible way when opening your coworking space, you will find all the important information you should pay attention to when setting up a coworking space in our coworking guide. It not only answers the big questions about starting a coworking space, but also discusses optimization measures and possible automation to open a sustainable space.
The right software for your coworking space
A coworking space thrives on sharing space, workstations, and equipment, which is why choosing an appropriate booking management system is crucial to a smooth experience. What does coworking space software need to be able to do in order to create a smooth and attractive experience for your coworkers? Find out which features and services are important when choosing the right software in our comparison of the most popular coworking space tools.