The thought of self-opening and locking doors is unfamiliar? Then it's time to get used to it, because digital keys to buildings, rooms or vehicles are no longer a thing of the past. By linking your electronic locking system to your resources, you expand your offering and appeal to new target groups.
What is a digital lock?
In contrast to a mechanical lock, an electronic lock makes it possible to equip rooms through to vehicles of all kinds with a locking system and to control it digitally.
Digital locks are used in the private sector for front doors and within the smart home. In the business sector, electronic locking systems are used as locks for meeting rooms in office buildings or for access to the vehicle fleet. Even access to cabinets can be used for equipment rental, for example. There are no limits to the range of applications!
Some digital locking systems that implement this vision are:
- Nuki
- Tapkey (DOM)
- KleverKey
- SaltoKS
- Dormkaba
- Sensor mountain
- Brivo
Find out here how these tools differ and what you should look for when choosing the right tool.
The relevance of keyless access
Opening locks electronically may sound like a simple function, but it opens up a whole new horizon for your business.
- Independent processes make your working time more efficient
- Flexible arrival times for your customers
- Check-in times no longer have to be based on your schedule
- The allocation of digital access rights digitizes your company sustainably
- Make your business smarter
Last but not least, remote working and flexible office spaces are very much in vogue, which is why coworking spaces are becoming more and more attractive and the topic of new work is taking on completely new dimensions.
New Work is a concept of new forms of work in times of globalization and digitalization. Examples of the practical implementation of New Work are shared office space, agile working or coworking spaces.
Booking system including Smart Lock connection
But how does access authorization work in practice?
If you use a booking system like the one from anny for your employees or external customers, the key allocation is already integrated into your booking solution on the technical side. When booking, a temporary digital key is generated for your customer or employee for the booked period. This is linked to your resource (e.g. your room or vehicle) and can be operated via smartphone.
Exclusively during the booked period, your client or employee can use their digital key to access the booked meeting room or vehicle.

The step into the future
Keyless Access, e.g. with the locking systems from Tapkey and Nuki, is your key to groundbreaking innovation and offers your bookers a unique access solution. With anny you expand your functional range through the integrated mobile access controls and guarantee reliable access to booked rooms and resources.
Start today to equip your meeting rooms, co-working or your car fleet with keyless access and the intelligent system from anny\. Take your own solution one step further towards the modern future and digitalization.
Room management with the integration of locking systems from anny is the future in the present. So go ahead, organize keyless access today!