ZS Unternehmen Gesundheit is a provider of workplace health promotion. This includes, for example, medical screenings as well as workshops and lectures on health topics for external companies.
I would be very happy if you could introduce yourself briefly.
Myname is Nora Refai and I am responsible for managing the "Organization" area at ZS Unternehmen Gesundheit, which means I plan and organize health services - specifically medical screenings - in companies.
Which offer do you make bookable via anny\?
We offer our customers the possibility to book their appointment for e.g. a medical screening via anny . This saves us a lot of organizational work and offers the customer the benefit of being able to book and cancel the appointment himself. After each appointment booking, a confirmation e-mail is sent to the e-mail address specified during the booking process. In it, the most important details such as booking duration, address, date in the calendar or the booking confirmation are displayed once again.
How would you explain to new colleagues what anny is?
anny is a booking tool that we can tailor very well to our needs as a healthcare provider and enjoys a high level of acceptance among our customers. The system takes a lot of communication work off our shoulders and at the same time offers our customers the advantage of being able to book appointments themselves and also manage them themselves.
What did booking management look like before?
At the very beginning, we produced registration lists in Word, which we then sent to our customers. The employees on site could then enter their names manually in the lists. Then we switched to eAppointment.
What was your moment when you realized you couldn't go on like this?
The eTermin tool had the major disadvantage that there was only one booking page on which all services were listed for all customers. Of course, this was out of the question for data protection reasons. Then we came across anny via a personal contact.
What problems could be solved once and for all by introducing anny\?
We could create an individual booking page for each customer or measure. Our customers appreciate it when we can adapt to their needs as well as possible. Through anny we can now do this even better.
What prompted you to initiate digital management?
The pandemic basically led us to deal intensively with the topic of digitization in the first place. As a result of the fact that companies no longer received external companies, we had to digitize our services as quickly as possible. In the course of this, the logical conclusion was that we also digitize our registration process.
What distinguishes anny from other booking management?
We are impressed by the functionality and the resulting satisfaction of our customers. anny is simply much more convenient and functional for us as a healthcare provider than other tools. As soon as a customer books a measure (e.g. skin screening) with us and requests an online booking, I create the skin screening as a resource with all the necessary settings. The booking link is then sent to the customer. After that, anny "does" my work, so to speak.
How quickly did you learn anny\? How quickly were you able to get started?
This was actually super doable from day 1. When I had questions, I contacted anny directly and my questions were answered very satisfactorily within a very short time.
We thank you for the insightful conversation and the great cooperation with ZS Unternehmen Gesundheit.